A Real Pain

RT-C 96%
RT-A 81%
Comedy Drama

Mismatched cousins David and Benji reunite for a tour through Poland to honor their beloved grandmother. The adventure takes a turn when the pair's old tensions resurface against the backdrop of their family history.

The movie 'A Real Pain' is shown in English if it is a movie in English originally - or with English subtitles, if it is NOT a movie with original audio in English.

'A Real Pain' will be lighting up screens in Paris, with 4 showings at 4 fantastic cinemas. Don’t miss your chance to catch it in English!

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, A Real Pain is currently rated 96% by critics.

Exceptional! This movie is a must-watch and is considered an all-time classic by most critics. You can't miss it!

According to audience reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, A Real Pain has an audience score of 81%.

A strong hit among audiences. While it might not be perfect, it’s definitely a crowd-pleaser!
