About English Cinema Paris

They say that "Necessesity is the mother of invention". That also goes for this website, which happens to scratch my own itch...

Problem: Where can I find movies in English at cinemas in Paris?

I love watching movies at the cinema, but in Paris, I found it tedious to go on a number of cinema websites - not in English - with Google Translate switched on, and trawl throught their listings, trying to find out if any of the movies in there would play in English.

Solution: English Cinema Paris

Being lazy by nature, I wanted such a list to come to me - or always know ONE place to go, to get an up-to-date overview.

Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, the desire for such a service and website trumped my laziness.

So I built it.

The site is always up to date (updated daily from Cinema websites). Once a week, I send out an email with the movies for the next 7 days - and share information on social media.

I would love to hear from you

If you have feedback (good or bad!) or just want to get in touch, shoot me an email at kj@englishcinemaparis.com.

Best regards
Klaus Jensen
